I'm ready to send them all back. Is it August yet? Seriously. It is like all hell broke loose today! The arguing, the fit-throwing, the sulking, the back-talking, and the mess! How am I going to make it through 3 months of this? Three months!! I really admire those who home school. I don't know how they do it. I love my kids very much and I'm so glad to be a SAHM, but sheesh!
I'm hoping it's just all the excitment, the treats (thanks alot, teachers), and the warmer day that has brought this on. I'm sure tomorrow will be better. (Please?!)
On the bright side, everyone passed on to the next grade (with the exception of one who will remain nameless, but he'll be doing some credit recovery next week). Micah will be in K, Hunter in 2nd, Wynter in 4th, Savi in 8th and Mark in 11th.
Micah's preschool graduation was last week. He sang his lungs out. It was so cute. I can't figure out why he doesn't sing like that at church. He is very outgoing and fun and non-stop at home, but when it comes to being in public, he is more reserved, so his behavior at the graduation was a welcomed surprise.
Micah (on the far right) and his two friends, Nathan and Jonas
Micah on the last day of preschool
Micah in his classroom
Savi went to Lagoon yesterday. She worked hard to make sure her grades were good and that she served detention to make up some tardies so that she could go. She had a lot of fun. Lagoon is no Magic Mt., but it sure is pretty fun. Savi is really blossoming and doing well academically as well as socially. She works as scorekeeper for the softball games here in Spanish Fork. Wow, her first job. When she got her 1st paycheck, she walked to the bank to cash it and set aside her tithing. Then, she spent it all in one day. Hee hee! Oh, to be young and without financial obligations.
Mark is anxious to get a job as well. He picked up an application at the local grocery store and has already filled it out. It will be good for him to work. I can't believe that he will be 16 on Monday. Time has gone by really fast. I will be writing an ultra-embarrassing post about him for his birthday. It will be very fun. (One of the joys of motherhoood--embarrassing your offspring).
Wynter saved up a lot of "Taylor bucks" (Taylor was her teacher's last name) this year and spent them all today at the class auction. Needless to say, she came home with a lot of junk, ie: candy and other kids' used stuff. Oh well, she had fun.
Hunter is glad to be done. He and Micah are buddies and they enjoy playing together. Although today they have been at each other's throats, they are truly best friends. They spend hours building with legos and blocks and also digging holes in the backyard.
So, this school year is over and I'm so glad. I'm looking forward to a nice summer with my kids. I will just expect to have some days like today and I will try with all my might not to lose it. Today is almost over and things have settled down. We're off to a crazy start, but I know this will be a great summer.
Plans for the summer:
1. Picnics
2. Days at the library
3. Days at the park
4. Camping in the backyard (and maybe somewhere else, if I'm brave enough with the baby).
5. A much needed yard sale
6. Sleeping in (Please, Lincoln, will you cooperate with this one?)
7. Getting the house more organized ( a girl can dream, can't she?)
8. Going to the movies (Eclipse and Harry Potter 7 are on the top of my list)
9. Days of playing in the sprinkler
10.Swim lessons
11.Staying sane
Here's to a great summer!