Friday, March 4, 2011

I Am The Luckiest

The past week has been a whirlwind of emotion for me. I feel so overwhelmed, but so very lucky. There is something so sweet about the love of a mother. And I have been so blessed to have the love of 3 mothers.

First, there is my birth mother, Tina. She loved me so much, that she gave me up so that I could have a life she felt she couldn't provide. She was unselfish and gave me to a mother who couldn't have children.

Next, I had my mom, Pamela. She was given the gift of 3 children by adoption. She raised me right. She taught me the gospel. She helped me whenever I needed help (and still does). She has loved me for all of these years, even when I have disappointed her. She took care of me.

And finally, I have my mother-in-law, Marcia. I don't see her very much anymore, but she is a great example to me. She accepted me and my children into her family immediately and has loved us all.

I am so lucky.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fantabulous News

Simply stated: I am adopted and this past weekend, I found and talked to both of my birth parents. It has been such a blessing and I am so happy!