1. Our new bird, Baby...she got out. The front door was open and she flew out into one of our trees. After trying to get her, using a ladder, her cage and a fishing net, she was gone. She got a taste of freedom and that's all it took.
Savannah and Baby...
2. I got a denial letter for health insurance for my kids because I didn't get the paperwork in on time. Um, yes I did, actually. After a brief temper-tantrum on my part, I decided I'd give them a lovely phone call on Monday.
3. We got the leaves raked up in the front yard, but there they sit in the trailer because...our suburban has a flat tire--hauling them to the composte dump will have to wait.
4. We took our kids to see Savannah in "Fiddler on the Roof"...one of these kids is nearly 2 years old. Need I say more? We could've used a mop to clean up the sweat that accumulated from John after he tried to wrangle/contain/quiet Lincoln for 90 minutes.
5. Because of the bird incident, John and I weren't able to squeeze in a little date before the play, like we had planned. I need our dates like fish need water. It's what gets me through the week.
6. I balanced our checkbook...enough said.
But, really none of this matters. Seeing Savannah dance and sing was wonderful and we surprised her with some roses afterwards. The look on her face was priceless. It seems that even if a million things go wrong, the few things that go right make it all worth it.