Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who Do You Turn To?

Recently, I was listening to a talk by Sheri Dew. In it, she relates a story about how she and a group of women were together, visiting. A hot topic at the time came up, and all the women, (who in Sheri Dew's opinion were smart, spiritual, wonderful women) were discussing a recent Oprah Winfrey show on this topic. Sister Dew pointed out that at a recent General Relief Society meeting, this topic was also addressed by the Relief Sociey General President. None of the women attended the meeting. Sister Dew began feeling "excited" by the discussion. One of the women had a very busy life, and talked about how much she loves watching Oprah and never misses a show. Sister Dew knew the woman worked during the day and so, quite irritated asked, "You have time to watch Oprah everyday, but you couldn't find 90 minutes to go to a meeting where women of God, who receive divine inspiration for all of the women of the church AND the world, speaks to us?" The woman replied defensively that she recorded Oprah during the day and watched it later.

She went on to say that there are many in the public who have bits of truth sprinkled into the world's way. So, it is all neatly packaged and appealing to many of us. But she posed the question, "Where do we turn first?"

I thought about this. I am a fan of Dr. Laura. I read a lot of books when I'm struggling with something as a wife or mother or friend. I almost always turn to the world first. Dr. Laura has some good advice. (I don't like Oprah, but I know many do and may find her advice helpful.) There are a lot of "experts" out there in the media. But, do we turn to the Lord first? He who has all the answers? I haven't always, but I am desiring to do so now.

I find myself turning more and more to the scriptures, to personal prayer, to Conference talks, and to the Ensign. We can get together as woman and talk about the difficulties of being a mother or being a wife. We can talk about how stressful it is to raise a family. But I testify that the clear and only way to truly know what is best and truly know what to do doesn't come from a friend's advice or from a radio show. It comes from the Lord. Plain and simple. I don't apologize for this opinion or feeling. I know it is true.

It's funny, because I have friends who think that motherhood comes so easily for me. Ha Ha and another Ha!! They obviously don't know me. I have always struggled with worry of losing my identity in the mass of diapers, loads of laundry and the many hours spent taking care of others. But, recently, that worry has faded. As I've turned to my scriptures and read inspirational stories and talks by those who speak the truth, I have had an overwhelming feeling of peace that what I'm doing is the right thing.

As long as I put VERY FIRST in my day, reading scriptures and praying, my day goes well. I find time to do the things I love that have nothing to do with my roles as wife and mother. It truly is an amazing thing to test out, if you haven't already. My day doesn't magically become easier and without difficulty, but I feel directed and lead to the things I should do first, that are most important and I have learned how to deal with the urgent in a much calmer way.

I am so thankful for what I am learning. I am so thankful that I don't have to rely on the world and what it thinks I should do. What a confusing way to live! I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to be a mother. It really is all worth it.

When times get tough, who do you turn to?