Friday, February 19, 2010

Things I Don't Like (Hate is such a harsh word.)

I really didn't want to have a negative post like this, but since I've had a crummy week and it's what I'm feeling...I shall cave in and be negative.

1. Drama. I will avoid it at all costs. The sky is not falling. Chill out.

2. Hypocrites. I am really struggling with going to church. It makes it more difficult to go when I read on facebook the comments made by leaders in my ward at church that are so anti-Christian. I am not perfect. But, when you are in a calling like need to really be careful because people watch what you do and read what you write on FB! BTW, I am a hypocrite, for the record.

3. People that are upset with me, but don't tell me. They tell someone else, who tells me FOR them. Hello? Are we in grade school? If you have a problem with me, talk to me. I don't bite and I will have more respect for you if you do.

4. Women who wear fake fingernails and rat their hair in the back that makes a big BUMP. Maybe I'm not stylish, but I think the hair is weird. And how can you do anything (including wipe your butt), when you have fake nails?

5. Talkative cashiers. I have experienced this mainly at Walmart. Being friendly is nice. Say hello, ask if I found everything okay. But when you start telling me your life story or give me advice, I shut down. I can't handle it. I just want to pay for my stuff and leave, thank you.

6. Snobs. Enough said.

7. How fat I've gotten. I am working on this, but it is very hard. I keep telling myself that I need to take one step at a time. I didn't get fat overnight, I won't get skinny overnight either. On that same note, it is so annoying when skinny or normal sized people think they are fat. PA-lease!!! And when they say that in front of me--an obviously overweight person! Hello!?!?

8. People who dress for church like they're going to the beach (flip-flops) or going to a club (can you say T-R-A-M-P?). Seriously. Church is the one place I shouldn't have to worry about what I'm gonna see. (Cleavage, upper-thigh. Are you serious???)

9. Winter in Utah. I grew up in Southern California. It was pretty much 70 degrees year round. I miss it. I feel so depressed and BLAH from about November to April here. It really is a problem for me.

10. People who are always cheery and talk in a high-pitched happy voice. I'm not against being happy. I also understand using baby talk...I do it with Lincoln and I talked that way when my older kids were babies. But, I'm not a baby and those kind of voices are like nails on a chalk board. Sometimes the pitch is so high, I can barely hear it (which is nice).

Sorry if I offended anyone! Post a comment letting me know if you have an issue with anything I said, otherwise you will go in #3 on my "Things I Don't Like" list! Tee Hee...



  1. Thanks! Your posts always "echo in my mind & heart" and I mean that in a positive way. You're honest and up front. For me that is a good thing. Thanks for being you and being a member of our family. Keep writing. I need to hear (read) what you have to say.

  2. #4, have you seen bump-its? Worst idea ever!

  3. Count me as a #6, Cynthia! I guess I need to see you face-to-face to discuss this list (see #1).(hee, hee, hee)

  4. I love all your dislikes. JOB WELL DONE! Amen!!! You SAID IT ALL IN A GREAT WAY! Isn't it fun to just tell it like it is sometimes? I can relate to every issue. #1. I can't stand Drama Queens or Kings! #2. I think we all can be hypocrites at times. #3. I feel the same way. Just tell me don't go behind my back. It's much worse. #4 Sometimes I wear them but only a very special occasions. I have had them ripped off and it hurts like HECK! #5. I understand totally what your saying there. It's like hurry up or shut up! # 6. WELL SAID! #7. I can admit I am an emotional eater. This has taken me years to admit, but I am on my way too to getting my weight off. It bugs me too when others that are thin look at you right in the face and say do I look fat I am so fat. COME OFF IT! #8 I must admit I have worn flip flops to church before. #9. I also dislike winter here in Utah. I wish it was 70 degress all year around. #10. I hope I don't drive you crazy when I talk. My voice is some what High pitched. Steven can't hear Brittany or I. LOL.
    #11. Cynthia I just want to say how much I love you and Truly Admire you! You always honest and you say it like it is. I truly admire you for that. I wish I could be more like that. Maybe I would be less likely to get my feelings hurt. Thanks for the positive impact you have on me, and thanks for sharing your honest feelings about life and situations. Love ya lots

  5. I feel as though there is someone out there who understands me finally!! I feel like we are kindred spirits!!

  6. I love your honesty, Cynthia! And as someone guilty of #7(part B) and #10, I'm glad you said makes me aware that maybe I shouldn't do that. Sometimes people just need to be told the honest truth so that they can see the error of their ways.
    For the record, to add to #4 -- women (and men, for that matter)who dye their hair pitch black annoy do you think that even looks real? I'm just sayin...

  7. Cynthia,
    I love reading your blog. It is great.

  8. I love reading your blog too. I am probablly guilty of most of your items (except for #4 and hopefully #8), but I have to agree with a lot of them too. I hope you are not thinking of me on #2 or #3. If so, I am very sorry. We need to do lunch again or talk sometime. I feel like I hardly see you anymore or get the chance to talk to you-in person.

  9. I agree with you on the word hate, but I can almost say it without feeling guilty when it comes to traveling on the streets of Las Vegas. Each time we have to go there I am an absolute basket case.
