Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Question and Answer

I've had a lot on my mind lately...some questions that have gone unanswered. Also I have been struggling with some feelings that I haven't been quite sure what to do with. One piece of wisdom I've picked up lately is "Do the next obedience", or in other words, "Do the next right thing." So tonight, even though it was inconvenient, I did the next right thing and went to a place I needed to be. And the answers came. I am so thankful for having other people in my life that will share their experiences and feelings so that I can learn. It is so true that often our prayers are answered through other people.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are blogging. I am trying to do something like that too. Your example helps. You are one of those that shares your experiences and feelings so that we can learn. In this way, you answer the prayers of many of us.
