Friday, July 16, 2010

My Husband ROCKS!

Somewhere I've heard this bit of marriage advice...(I'm paraphrasing, because my memory sucks these days), "The secret to a good marriage is to put the happiness of your spouse before your own happiness." Amen to that. I'm not great at this, but I sure try. But, John, he is awesome at this and I love him to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and always.

Yesterday I knew by 9 am that the day was going to stink and stink BAD! I was balancing our checkbook and comparing it with my online statement and OH NO! We were overdrawn by alot. It scared me. It worried me. I also had not gotten a lot of sleep the night before and had a wicked headache. I went downstairs to wake up John. Now, mind you, John works to 2:30 am, gives a co-worker a ride home to a neighboring town, then heads home and spends some time winding down. This means that when I woke him at up 9am, he had probably slept about 4 or 5 hours. Poor guy. But, I told him about the money situation and he said he'd take care of it (which he did). Then, I guess because I had his undivided attention (all the kids were upstairs), I ranted for nearly 30 minutes. And he just listened. I complained about money, friends, the kids, my weight, the messy house...etc. When I was done, he just looked at me and smiled. Then he said, "I love you."

And to top it all off, a couple of days ago, John took "New Moon" to work to read while the parts he is making run. Let me just say, most men are idiots. His co-workers gave him the hardest time about this. Can you say "moron"? Yep, that's what they are...or as John called them, "uncultured swine." Ha ha. Anyway, he read "Twilight" awhile ago to see what all the fuss was about. He's also taken me to all 3 movies and gone to Walmart at 12am to buy the movies for me right when they came out. So, because I asked him to, he's reading the rest of the books. Can you say "Yowzaa"? He is so studly to me because of this. Those guys at work are a bunch of so-called "machismos", but they don't know what a real man is.

A real man changes diapers. A real man hugs his kids. A real man takes his daughters on dates. A real man reads his wife's favorite books and goes to chick flicks. A real man tears up when he teaches his family from the scriptures. A real man works his butt off to support his family. A real man lets his wife sleep in on Sundays. A real man won't let his wife get a job. A real man plays with the baby. A real man gives his wife a hug and asks how he can help when he comes home to a messy home. A real man says, "I love you" to his wife and kids daily. A real man lets his wife rant and doesn't give advice unless she asks him to. And guess what? I have a real man. And I'll love him forever...


  1. Awesome post. It's a great reminder to appreciate the little things our men do for us.

  2. Beginning the day he was born, he's always been special and we think he picked a special companion. Love ya!

  3. OK OK a little overboard! But the guys at work think I'm leaning a little gay because I started reading the twilight series. Lame. I am a guys guy. I hunt. I build. I dig. I get dirty..... But I love my wife like nothing else, so I have dedicated my life to her. Apparently, she likes it. ;)

  4. The day your "real man" is gay is when solid granite is a sponge! It won't ever happen.

    I have a real man too. Maybe in runs with the name, John!! He does the dishes when they pile up. He cleans the house without a word. He works his butt off - to provide for our family, serve in the church, provide service for everybody and anybody anytime day or night - all the time regardless of the inconvenience. I married far beyond what I deserve.

  5. John is awesome and I am glad you have joined our family. John is a very strong man to do the things he does, because he loves his wife (sweetheart) and his kids. Keep it up the two of you.
